In re: CentraState Healthcare Data Security Incident Litigation,
No: OCN-L-2002-24
Superior Court of New Jersey, Civil Division: Ocean County
Submit a Claim Form | You can receive a Cash Payment and credit monitoring services. You must be a Class Member as defined in FAQ 1 and submit a Claim Form to receive these benefits. | October 7, 2024 |
Opt-Out | You can request to be excluded from the Settlement. If you opt-out of the Settlement, you will not release your claims against CentraState. This is the only option that allows you to be part of any other lawsuit against CentraState or related parties for the legal claims resolved by this Settlement. You will receive no Cash Payment and no credit monitoring services under this Settlement. If you opt-out, you cannot object to the Settlement or go to the Final Approval Hearing | September 7, 2024 |
Object to Settlement | Write to the Court, with copies to Class Counsel and Defendant's Counsel, about why you do not agree with the Settlement. Your objection must follow all the procedures stated in the body of this notice under "How do I tell the Court that I do not like the Settlement?" | September 7, 2024 |
Attend the Final Approval Hearing | You may ask the Court for permission for you or your attorney, at your own cost, to attend and speak about your objection at the Final Approval Hearing. | October 15, 2024 |
Do Nothing | You will not receive any compensation or the free credit monitoring services from this Settlement, and you will also have no right to sue later for the claims released by the Settlement. |